Vertical World Adventures Vertical World Adventures

Vertical World 

School groups Private Adventure Contract and Rate Information

Vertical World Adventures is proud to offer safe, exciting, educational adventures for elementary, high school and college level students, as well as scouting and explorer groups. Our special programs focus on safely introducing young people to the healthy rewards of outdoor adventure.

Our Schools & Special Program packages include learning about the basics of wilderness preparedness and survival skills, mountaineering, rock and ice climbing. Our courses focus on safety, communication skills, overcoming challenges and obstacles, working together, building confidence, trust and self esteem and having fun.

Vertical World Adventures also stresses our responsibility in caring for the environment in which we all live and play. Specially designed guided adventures take groups to a number of wonderful destinations right here in New England.

If you would like to be included on one of our next adventures or have any comments or suggestions please contact us at
or call us (508)757-4996 and ask for Michael Donofrio.