PREREQUISITE: Must have previous climbing experience. Climbing ability: 5.9
Located in North Conway, Cathedral ledge and Whitehorse ledge are two of New Hampshires most popular climbing destinations. Cathedral and Whitehorse both lie within the boundaries and jurisdiction of Echo Lake State Park, only a few miles from the center of North Conway. Cathedral and Whitehorse ledge are both beautiful, glacially-sculpted, granite cliffs that generations of climbers have come to enjoy. Cathedral and Whitehorse both offers climbers a wide range of routes to choose from. The cliffs offers wonderfully diverse climbing - rated from 5.3 to 5.13. Whether you love friction climbing, thin face climbs or jam cracks you are bound to find a classic route to fit your liking. Cathedral and Whitehorse also have some amazing aid lines to work on as well. It is no wonder that so many climbers have come to consider Cathedral and Whitehorse as two of their favorite climbing destinations in New Hampshire.
This course is designed to be exciting, fun and informative. We will be covering the skills necessary to follow a lead climber up a multi-pitch rock climb safely. This will include advanced rock climbing techniques for intermediate face and crack climbing, belaying a lead climber, removing protection and maximizing safety and efficiency when climbing with larger groups.
On Saturday, we will climb one of the classic, intermediate routes up the South Buttress of Whitehorse ledge. We will climb Hotter than Hell(***) 5.9. up to the Inferno (***) 5.8. Ed Webster describes the route as, "A route to be savored, even on a hot day. This well designed climbs is one of the most popular adventures on the entire South Buttress. The upper finger and hand cracks are legendary." After climbing Whitehorse we will camp in one of the local private or State Forest Service campgrounds.
On Sunday, we will circ one of Cathedral's most popular intermediate routes called Recombeast(***) 5.9. Recombeast is a classic combination of the routes Recompense and the Beast Flake. Traditionally done in 4 or 5 pitches, Recombeast is one of the most exciting and exposed routes of its grade on Cathedral. . This incredible route will take us to the top at the tourist lookout. After climbing Cathedral we will have dinner in North Conway and then head for home.
Everyone is required to come prepared with weather appropriate clothing - this will be crucial in order to enjoy the course and keep warm. It will also be your responsibility to carry your own water, juice or fluids in order to stay well hydrated when climbing. It is highly recommended that all participants come prepared on Saturday with their own lunch or snacks to keep your energy level at a maximum. After climbing Saturday, we will prepare a dinner for all the participants at the campground. We will get an early start Sunday morning with breakfast and make lunches/pack snacks for the day. After climbing Sunday, we will stop in North Conway for dinner, before returning to Massachusetts - so it will be important to bring a little extra money for this reason. A list of what you will need in order to be prepared will be sent to all participants well in advance of the trip date.
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